Samsung's mobile business head JK Shin has said that the company's next smartphones will feature a 64-bit CPU, according to the Korea Times. The remarks follows Apple's launch of the iPhone 5s, the first handset with the 64-bit, billion transistor A7 processor and 64-bit OS 7. Saying that Samsung is aware of Apple's ambitions in China, the exec added that a device with such a chip would come "not in the shortest time," but that "our next smartphones will have 64-bit processing capability." They could use the ARMv8 64-bit architecture that ARM has been promoting for quite awhile now, since Samsung is a prominent licensee. Does that mean a Galaxy S 5 flagship will become the Korean company's first to use the tech? Cue the rumors and speculation.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Samsung says its next-gen smartphones will have 64-bit processors too
Samsung's mobile business head JK Shin has said that the company's next smartphones will feature a 64-bit CPU, according to the Korea Times. The remarks follows Apple's launch of the iPhone 5s, the first handset with the 64-bit, billion transistor A7 processor and 64-bit OS 7. Saying that Samsung is aware of Apple's ambitions in China, the exec added that a device with such a chip would come "not in the shortest time," but that "our next smartphones will have 64-bit processing capability." They could use the ARMv8 64-bit architecture that ARM has been promoting for quite awhile now, since Samsung is a prominent licensee. Does that mean a Galaxy S 5 flagship will become the Korean company's first to use the tech? Cue the rumors and speculation.
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