Saturday, September 14, 2013

Как сделать скриншот на iPhone (iPod или iPad)

Иногда всем пользователям смартфонов и планшетов Apple приходится снять скриншот. Чтобы отправить его в службу поддержки или чтобы сохранить какое-то интересное сочетание на экране. В общем, скриншот на iPhone может пригодиться для чего угодно, а вот способ его создания, пожалуй, единственный. 


Данная инструкция работает для всех поколений iPhone (даже iPhone 5S и 5С), iPad, iPad mini, а также, для iPod Touch. На iPod Nano и Classic снять скриншот таким способом нельзя. Чтобы сделать скриншот нам не нужны никакие провода, как в Android, требуется лишь устройство.

1. Для начала выбираем на экране вашего устройства то, что вы хотите запечатлеть. Скриншот будет снят со всего экрана, а не с какой-то его области.

2. После того, как мы выбрали то, что нужно заснять, берём iPhone (или iPad, iPod) в левую руку. Большой палец левой руки ставим на кнопку Home (круглая кнопка под экраном)

3. Правой рукой берём iPhone (или iPad, iPod) так, чтобы указательный палец находился на кнопке включения/выключения устройства. 

4. Теперь, когда большой палец левой руки лежит на кнопке Home, указательный палец правой руки на кнопке включения/выключения, а на экране выбрано то, что нужно заснять, нужно одновременно нажать две кнопки. Нажать и отпустить. Если вы будете держать кнопки, то появится предложение об отключении устройства. А если вы одновременно нажмёте и отпустите, то услышите щелчок затвора фотоаппарата и экран мелькнёт белым цветом. Это означает, что скриншот сохранён в вашей фотогалерее. Если же ничего подобного не произошло, то попробуйте ещё раз.

Это самый лёгкий и единственный способ снять скриншот на iOS-устройствах. Гораздо сложнее поставить свой рингтон на iPhone, но и для этого у нас есть инструкция.


LG G2 Release Date Set For T-Mobile, Sprint: Free QuickWindow Case, Pre-Orders Available

T-Mobile and Sprint have not yet released the LG G2, a 5.2-inch smartphone with uniquely positioned volume and power buttons. The LG G2's release date has arrived on Verizon and AT&T. LG

LG has released the G2, a 5.2-inch phablet with its buttons on the back, which is already available on Verizon and AT&T. However, T-Mobile and Sprint customers are still awaiting a release date. When will the LG G2 see a release date on those carriers?

T-Mobile will begin selling the LG G2 in stores on Sept. 25. T-Mobile is offering the LG G2 in white and black, whereas Verizon customers will have an exclusive model with a differently designer rear shell, and a metallic “rear key” (back power and volume rocker) in addition to exclusive wireless charging for the device.

T-Mobile has priced the LG G2 at $603.99 -- with $99 paid up front and $21 added to customers’ monthly bill for 24 months. T-Mobile customers will get a free LG QuickWindow case with the G2.

Sprint will not release the LG G2 until Oct. 25, but will also offer a free QuickWindow case. The QuickWindow case works as a screen cover that interacts with the LG G2, protecting the screen while displaying apps resized from full view from the small window on the device. The time, messages and music controls can all be viewed from LG G2’s QuickWindow. The accessory retails for $49.99.

The LG G2 has a 5.2-inch, full HD 1080p display, with a 2.26 GHz, quad-core processor and 2GB of RAM. The LG G2 sports a 13-megapixel main camera and a 2.1-megapixel shooter on the front, and ships with either 16GB or 32GB of built-in storage, but lacks an SD card slot. The LG G2 has uniquely placed volume and power buttons, located on the rear of the device and dubbed the “rear key” by the Korean manufacturer.

   Source: ibtimes 

Gears allow planthopper to super jump in the right direction, report says

A jumping insect has gears, scientists discovered, a rare instance in which man and nature independently converged on the same idea.

It was not easy to verify. The planthopper (Issus coleoptratus) is tiny, just a bit larger than a flea. And it jumps extremely fast — with an acceleration of 200 Gs, a level close to thehighest ever survived by a human.

But neurobiologist Malcolm Burrows and engineer Gregory P. Sutton, both of the University of Cambridge, used a high-speed camera attached to a microscope to capture the bugs in action. They put the tiny test subjects on their backs on sticky wax and gently rubbed their bellies to provoke them to move their hind legs as if jumping.

They found that the insects have toothed gears at the base of their hind legs that mesh and rotate to synchronize the timing of each limb’s release during a jump.

“It’s remarkable that these gears look so similar to the gears man has designed, even the individual teeth are so similar,” said Burrows, author of a study that was published online Thursday in the journalScience.

With this mechanism, the motion of the hind legs is locked and coupled together. The time difference in the movement of the legs is as short as 30 millionths of a second, allowing the insects to leap faster and farther.

Without synchronization, the body will rotate instead of going straight forward, Burrows said. Using the most extreme case, a one-legged planthopper will spin helplessly in the same spot without going anywhere.

A two-legged insect will be able to leap when its timing is off, but precious energy is wasted on rotational motion instead of a straight-ahead trajectory. When fleeing from a hungry predator, the lost distance could make the difference between reaching a safe branch and becoming dinner.

Using a catapult mechanism, the legs move very quickly. In preparation for a jump, the legs are cocked, similar to pulling back a bowstring in archery.

“You suddenly let go, and the arrow goes much faster than if you were to throw it directly,” he said.

The planthoppers have gear strips on the base of the hind legs, with about 10 teeth on each.

But the gears are somewhat like training wheels on a bike. They exist only in the nymphal stage before the insect becomes an adult. Eventually, they molt away, and adults use friction between two parts of their legs to synchronize jumps instead.

Gearlike structures seen previously in animals were merely ornamental. For instance, the spiny turtle has a spiky-edged shell that makes it look as if there is a gear wheel lying on the turtle’s back.

“It’s a wonderful example of the exquisite use of mechanisms in nature that solve problems in a very simple way,” said Robert Full, a biologist at the University of California at Berkeley, who was not involved in the study. Full’s research focuses on taking ideas from animals for engineering and design inspiration.

He discovered that geckos stick to walls using millions of tiny foot-hairs, and labs have been working on mimicking the lizard’s extraordinary characteristics to create an adhesion technology.

Biologist Anna N. Ahn of Harvey Mudd College, who works in a similar field and who also was not involved in the study, called the new finding “fantastic.”

“Nowadays, bio-inspiration is sort of a catchy term,” said Ahn, but gears are unusual in that man and nature independently came upon on the same idea.

How gears evolved in the planthoppers is unknown, but Burrows speculates that they could have begun as smaller bumps within the legs that grew larger until they became full-fledged teeth.

Kim is a freelance science writer based in Philadelphia.

    Source: washingtonpost

Япония впервые запустила в космос ракету «Эпсилон»

               Ракета-носитель «Эпсилон» 

В субботу в Японии состоялся запуск новейшей ракеты-носителя «Эпсилон», передает Reuters. Ракета стартовала с космодрома Утиноура и должна вывести на орбиту научно-исследовательский спутник SPRINT-А - ультрафиолетовый телескоп для сбора информации о планетах Солнечной системы, отмечаетAgence France-Presse.
Трехступенчатая ракета с двигателем на твердом топливе разрабатывалась японским космическим агентством в течение 12 лет. Ее отличительной чертой является экономичность и высокая степень компьютеризации. «Эпсилон» в два раза компактнее используемой сейчас Н2А (ее длина - 24,4 метра, диаметр - 2,6 метра, вес - 91 тонна), а для запуска ракеты достаточно двух обычных компьютеров вместо командного центра с десятками человек.
Ранее старт «Эпсилона» дважды переносился из-за технических неисправностей. Так, 27 августа запуск отменили за 19 секунд до завершения обратного отсчета из-за компьютерной ошибки.
